An evening of fireworks at Desborough...

Another evening at Desborough Sailing Club for their annual fireworks display.

A big thank you again to Zoe & Nigel for inviting me along, and also to all the volunteers at Desborough who make this fantastic evening possible.

All the fireworks are donated by visitors and it's an amazingly good display. This year I took along a 100 shot 'Fireworks Crazy', although trying to identify it in amongst the rest of the display is an exercise in futility 😄️

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Black Cherry Fair 2024

It was time for the Black Cherry Fair procession again, so of I went with the camera.

Green Turtle

Video of an amazing encounter with a green turtle...

It's been a long time.

I've missed taking the camera out. So off I went.

At Last...

I've finally got around to making an Instagram account...

Remember, remember...

An evening of fireworks at Desborough...