I've missed taking the camera out. So off I went.

It's April already and it suddenly struck me that it's been ages since I went out for photos. So I went down to the riverside to see what's been going on.

It was great to see the grebe's building a new nest and I look forward to seeing their new chicks. There was already a family of ducklings exploring the river and even a surprise visit by some mandarin ducks.

It was great to be out again.

Big changes need to happen at this end and it's taking up so much time.

All being well, it'll all be sorted this year, and could well be an opportunity for new photos and new locations.

In the meantime here are a few photos from the outing.

Black Cherry Fair 2024

It was time for the Black Cherry Fair procession again, so of I went with the camera.

Green Turtle

Video of an amazing encounter with a green turtle...

It's been a long time.

I've missed taking the camera out. So off I went.

At Last...

I've finally got around to making an Instagram account...

Remember, remember...

An evening of fireworks at Desborough...